Subject Matter is a self-directed collaborative publication developed to explore the intersection of storytelling and design. It functions as a platform for various individuals with stories that deserve to be shared. Each issue is a collection of curated narratives focusing on a specific facet of the human experience.

Every aspect of creating Subject Matter was a collaborative effort. Members developed the brand, a cohesive system, and a unique visual voice for each issue in that system. They collected and curated content, made paper selections, and hand-bound each issue for distribution.

A modular logo was developed that could visually tie the entire publication together, while allowing each issue to have its own voice appropriate to its topic. Roboto's modern simplicity allows it to function well with many typefaces and visual styles.

Issue One
Mental Health and Recovery:
Lead Designers – Molly and Pey-Jing
Mental illness affects millions of people every day. Unfortunately, many people fail to get the proper treatment for mental health concerns because of the stigma and difficulties surrounding taking medication, seeing doctors, and access to therapy. This issue addresses these mental health topics head-on by giving a voice to those who struggle with their mental health. These stories about confronting mental illness empower both the reader and the writer to gain a better understanding of mental health concerns.
Issue Two
Childhood Memories of the Outdoors:
Lead Designer – Marla
The past is made up of big events and ones considered small at the time. These small events can be the most fascinating and impact us even more deeply than the larger ones. People often hesitate to talk about these events for fear of being judged as self-centered or uninteresting. This issue facilitates the sharing of memories that shape us as people.
Issue Three
Strange and Supernatural Experiences: Lead Designers – Rachel and Hannah
Human experiences outside of our earthly perception or understanding have been recorded across countless cultures and have spanned centuries. These are experiences that, despite the ubiquity with which they occur, are often doubted and treated as fiction. In this issue, without judgement or censure, we explored the ideas of liminal spaces, entertained the notion of ghosts, and unpacked the emotions around tragedy and change. Most importantly, this issue serves as a conduit to share stories that might otherwise go untold.
Bold Type Press
Bold Type Press is the student collective behind Subject Matter, named for our members' willingness to boldly pursue unorthodox creative paths and build a critical design practice, which allows us to create work about which we are passionate and will make a positive impact on our society.
Molly Dwight
Editor, Lead Designer: Mental Health & Recovery, Contributing Designer: Outdoor Childhood Memories and Strange & Supernatural Experiences, Binding and Production
Editor, Lead Designer: Mental Health & Recovery, Contributing Designer: Outdoor Childhood Memories and Strange & Supernatural Experiences, Binding and Production, Photography
Editor, Lead Designer: Outdoor Childhood Memories, Contributing Designer: Mental Health & Recovery and Strange & Supernatural Experiences, Web Design
Rachel Bostick
Editor, Lead Designer: Strange & Supernatural Experiences, Contributing Designer: Mental Health & Recovery and Outdoor Childhood Memories, Project Manager
Hannah Gaskamp
Editor, Lead Designer: Strange & Supernatural Experiences, Contributing Designer: Mental Health & Recovery and Outdoor Childhood Memories, Slipcase Design